- Adventures with Books
- Bible Pictures to Color and Bible Stories to Read
- Counting with Numbers
- Do It Carefully
- Everywhere We Go
- Finding the Answers
- &
- Going on Eagerly
- Hearing and Helping
- Inside and Outside
At last year's MACHS conference my mission was to find Liam some small, simple workbooks that would introduce him to school without too much pressure or difficulty. I wanted to teach him to want to do school.
These little workbooks were quite possibly the cheapest thing at the curriculum hall, but they were just right for Liam. They're nice and small with simple pictures, and simple instructions. I don't know about other kids, but I've discovered that Liam is very easily distracted by too many extras on workbook pages. If there's too much colour or too many bold pictures on a workbook page, he just can't focus. These books have none of that. They're all black and white line drawings, and there are no extra pictures; only pictures that pertain to the work at hand.
The books are sold is two sets. A through F, and G, H, I. They are intended to be done in alphabetical order, but its not necessary. A, B, C, and D can quite easily be done interchangeably, and E is intended to be review. F is intended to be a little more difficult, and should probably be done last.
We haven't started G, H, I yet, but by the look of them, I think we will do those ones in order.
Rod and Staff also has a preschool series for 3 to 4-year-olds, but it is very basic. In my opinion its not worth it. At that stage, just give them colouring books and craft supplies.
After the preschool series Rod and Staff skips right to Grade 1. From what I can tell, the Grade 1 program is focused on learning to read, and it looks like it could be a good program. However, we will not be finding out. There are just too many books and too much money involved. The rest of the curriculum, from what I've seen, seems to be more suited to girls, and/or kids that learn well in the traditional school room setting. It looks decent, but not for our boys.
In short, I think the Rod and Staff Preschool ABC series is amazing, but that's pretty much the only Rod and Staff curriculum that I'm a fan of.
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